On Friday we went to Cameron highlands,it was around 4 hours from Kuala Lumpur,the traffic was a bit heavy but the environment was wonderful...
we enjoyed the 1day trip so much...after being so tired we needed this,and thank God it turned to be one of our best holidays...
almost in the beginning of the mountain way,there was a beautiful and really cool waterfall,we stopped there and spent around 1 hour taking photo and climbing the mountain...it was amazing...
we had our lunch in KFC and then we went to a mosque to pray.
on the way back home,we stopped by a florist , it sells also fresh fruits from Cameron highlands,
there I bought 6 pots...I was really happy because it was around 1 month that I wanted to buy pots ...
finally I can say it was one of my best holidays ever...
ReplyDeleteحسن یوسف نور خیلی زیاد لازم داره و آبیاری منظم. هر وقت سطح خاک گلدون خشک بشه باید آب داده بشه وگر نه آبیاری زیاد ریشه اونو می پوسونه.
مورچه و حشره فقط به خاطر خاک نامرغوبه.
من برای گل آپارتمانی فقط از خاک آلمانی استفاده می کنم. تو باغ گل آهنگ اونو تو بسته بندی های زرد رنگ می فروشن . هر بسته هم 5000 تومان.
قرنفل نمی دونم چیه! ولی اگر آپارتمانی باشه فقط آبیاری اش مهمه و اینکه هیچوقت توی زیر گلدونی اش آب جمع نشه و مهمتر اینکه وقتی آبیاری میشه سیراب بشه و آب اضافه از زیر گلدون بیرون بیاد. همین!